Water Tech Corp

Water Tech Corporation (Water Tech) is a U.S. corporation based in East Brunswick, New Jersey, with 45 employees. The company has been in operation for more than 20 years, and has operated in New Jersey for more than 17 years. Water Tech sources, imports, distributes and sells a diversified lineup of pool and spa vacuum cleaners that incorporate 19 patents the company has developed and obtained to date. Water Tech sells its patented products to “big box” brick and mortar and e-commerce retail stores, specialty pool supply stores, and e-commerce fulfillment centers and websites.

Water Tech, known as the “Pool Invention People,” has been able to dominate its field by making large investments of time and money in U.S. research and development of technology solutions to pool cleaning problems. As a result, the company has developed the most diversified line-up of pool and spa vacuum cleaners available.

10 Alvin Ct, East brunswick, 08816, NJ,
(732) 967-9888
(800) 488-0700
Guy Erlich`